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Eczema scratching and Tumeric

This study is to see whether tumeric lowers the scratchiness of eczema

pomodoro for studying

the pomodoro method offers superior recall

Cardio and relaxation

running is associated with stress relief. Here, we are testing whether a short run at a specific exertion level, measured in BPM, is beneficial to overall perceived stress.

Something something

It's another study

tennis for cardio

you attempt to improve your cardio

grandmother's stew for depression

you're depressed so you eat stew like your grandmother

stew for mood

you eat stew

Eczema and Cordyceps-M

Study whether Cordyceps mushrooms lessen eczema

SCD for Crohn's Disease

you eat food for Crohn's disease

mindfulness vs CBT vs. ACT for anxiety

See the numerous research studies on CBT, ACT, and mindfulness meditations. Often designated meditations throughout the day are used to "center" self-awareness on a physical reality - ourselves as detached from our anxieties. Here we compare this process to both ACT meditations - meant to root us in our highest concerns and through our anxieties, discover an awareness of our psychological reality - and CBT meditations.


We eschew mindfulness and direct physical awareness as a means to meditate and instead focus on fully-realized, higher-self-awareness. We consider various methods to achieve this and study a few, but we won't note them here and instead will distribute them in treatments.